Showing posts with label Klaus Janson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Klaus Janson. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Albert Avilla Reviews: Captain America #7

Captain America 007
Marvel Comics

Reviewed by Albert Avilla

Writer: Rick Remender
Pencils: John Romita Jr.
Inks: Klaus Janson, Scott Hanna
Colors: Dean White


This is the best kept secret in comics, and it should not be. Get your !@#&%#$ out there and buy this book.

This is the seventh issue since the re-launch, and Remender has not given us a chance to catch our breath. The action has been kinetic. Cap has been stretched to his super soldier limits, and he has never hesitated in his assault on evil. Cap is being attacked on every level possible.

Zola’s mutates, and Jet has tested Cap’s fighting skills with brute force and superior physical abilities. Zola is taking over Cap’s body from within. Cap’s emotions have been wrecked by the kidnapping of his son, Ian. All of this is occurring in a hostile environment that requires super-human effort to survive. The only person that Cap has to depend on through these trying times is himself. Cap doesn’t sit back and moan about his situation; he is concerned about the faith of others. He pushes himself beyond his limits to make a difference.

Remender is telling an epic for the ages, and this issue continues what began in the previous issues. Cap keeps battling against all obstacles. He defeats Captain Zola. He fights Jet again, but leaves the fight to save a Phrox from becoming a Zola mutate. This inspires Jet to help Cap. She tells Cap that Zola City is actually a battle station, and that Zola is planning to attack Earth with a mutate army that will infect the Earth with the consciousness of Zola. This could have been the end of the story, leaving us filled with anticipation, but, no, the story continues. Cap pulls his demolished body off the ground to save his son. Then glazat! Cap is shot by his son. Double-thriller ending! Remender is giving us an epic for the ages. This is a great family story wrapped in kick-ass action.

Romita’s art is visual ecstasy. My copy is in horrendous condition from me repeatedly looking at the art.

I rate Captain America 007 Recommend It To A Friend. #1 (of 5) on the Al-O-Meter

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Albert Avilla Reviews: Captain America #3

Captain America #3
Marvel Comics

Reviewed by Albert Avilla

Writer: Rick Remender
Pencils: John Romita Jr.
Inks: Klaus Janson

Rick Remender is reminding us of who Captain America is. Throughout this story, Cap’s nobility and courage are displayed.

He escapes from Zofjor, not because he wants to live, but because he wants to protect Ian. Cap is willing to sacrifice his own body to accomplish his goal. Cap’s bravery inspires one of the Phrox to come to his aid. Cap is spared. Cap, always the champion of liberty, begins to convince Ksul that the tribe should stand up to Zofjor. This leads to Ksul being killed by Zofjor. Cap is able to defeat Zofjor, giving the Phrox their freedom.

Remender also gives us a flashback to Cap as a young boy to illustrate that Cap was a hero before he got his powers. The powers didn’t make Cap a hero; they just made him a more powerful hero.

The counterpart to Cap is Arnim Zola. Zola is a vile, wicked (wait, let me get my thesaurus) base, immoral, depraved, and beastly villain. In Zola’s flashback we see the results of his despicable experiments. He has changed his housekeeper Hilda into a foul creature and expects her to be proud of his success. In the present, he leaves the child, Jet, to fight for her life against an army of mutates. If Zola’s villainy is a measuring stick for Cap’s heroism, then, Cap is truly the living legend. At the end of the story, we see why Cap has been suffering. This story arc is slowly earning the status of epic. This is the way that we kick off a new series. Wow! Marvel Now.

With such a good story we need to remember to take some time to enjoy the work of one of the masters of sequential art. John Romita Jr. shows that he can do his thing with any story setting.

I rate Captain America #3 Buy Your Own Copy. #2 (of 5) on the Al-O-Meter.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Albert Avilla Reviews: Avengers #2

Avengers #2
Marvel Comics

Reviewed by Albert Avilla

Writer: Jonathan Hickman
Artist: Jerome Opena
Cover: Dustin Weaver & Justin Ponsor
Variant Covers: Esad Ribic; John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, and Dean White

“We Were Avengers” (Spoilers)
I lamented Bendis leaving the Avengers, but do not worry. Marvel’s greatest heroes have been put in capable hands. Hickman has won me over with a simple roll call story. You know: a story that comes around every so often when the Avengers lineup is changing.

First, we have the core group, the movie Avengers. If you don’t know who they are, then, I suggest that you go watch the DVD; I think it’s out. Next, we have the super popular Wolverine and Spider-man; two characters who have that never-stop-until-you-die fighting spirit. The two characters that I’m glad they have a spot on the team are Captain Marvel and Spider-Woman, no relation to Spider-Man. The Falcon is on the team; as Cap’s partner, this should be his home. It would be cool if Tony would give him an upgrade. What ever happened to Redwing?

The best hand-to hand-fighter in the Marvel Universe is on the team, The Master of Kung Fu, Shang Chi. Bringing youth to the team are Sunspot and Cannonball, the team supreme within the team. Manifold will make anywhere possible; I want to go on vacation with the dude. I want to see the pyramids when they where being built. Smasher puts the Avengers on a level with the Imperial Guard; I can’t wait for an Avengers-in-space story. Captain Universe brings awesome power to the team. The final player in the game is Superman, Oh, sorry! I mean Hyperion. Come on, we know that Hyperion is Marvel’s Superman. Think about it, Superman in the Avengers; get ready for some big time throwing down.

I enjoyed the humor. It is a good idea to keep the past lives of Smasher, Captain Marvel, and Hyperion under wraps for now; I’m expecting some good future stories. The Avengers have definitely gotten bigger. The villainous forces of Marveldom better step up their plotting and scheming.

The rest of the story gives the origin of Ex Nihilo and Abyss. They begin their transformation of Earth, and Cap marshals the new team for their attack on Ex Nihilo. It’s going to be on.

The art is unique in the good way; Opena’s style is beautiful. The coloring is detailed without giving the art that puzzle piece look. The character’s expressions are appropriate and related to the character’s emotions.

I rate Avengers #2 Buy Your Own Copy. #2 (of 5) on the Al-O-Meter Ranking.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Albert Avilla Reviews: Captain America #1 (Marvel NOW)

Captain America # 1
Marvel Comics

Reviewed by Albert Avilla

Writer: Rick Remender
Pencils: John Romita
Inks: Klaus Janson
Colors: Dean White

Castaway in Dimension Z (Spoilers!)
When I first saw the promos for the new Captain America title, I wasn't looking forward to the Dimension Z storyline. That's my P.C. way of saying they are about to filty-farn up my favorite character. Don't be like me; don't judge the story before you read it. Once I start reading, I do so with an open mind.

This seems to be the beginning of a good story arc. The story begins with a flashback to Steve Rogers' boyhood, where his father is abusing his mother. We learn that Cap gets his courage from his mother. Remender makes a contribution to the legacy of Captain America in the first issue. We quickly get into some action as Cap battles an eco-terrorist, the Green Skull; he should know better to call Cap out like that. Cap saves Manhattan from destruction, just another day at the office.

Shocker, Sharon Carter proposes to Cap. Cap should have made Sharon a respectable woman years ago. People got married back in Steve's day. Cap is a proponent of old fashioned values; well, it’s time to step up to the plate. He should have started his family years ago. Who would be a better father and husband than Captain America? Sharon knows a good man is hard to find, and she is not letting this one get away.

Then, Cap is going on a mission without any intel, the perfect formula for surprise. No sooner than Cap gets on the secret subway, he's captured and drugged. Cap wakes up in a lab to find himself in the hands of Arnim Zola. Zola wants the super-soldier serum, and he's taking it the hard way. Zola wants the serum for his daughter and his well-designed son. Of course, Cap escapes in the most thrilling way possible and saves or kidnaps the baby, depending on your point of view. Cap finds himself trapped in Dimension Z with an infant to care for; that's what you get for doing what's right before you think it through. Cap gets a proposal and now, he has a baby to care for. Where is Mr. Remender leading Cap? I know it's the first issue, but this new direction has me hyped. Change is not always a bad thing, when it's done right.

Marvel is going top shelf with Romita Jr. doing the art. The visual aspect of the comic is astounding. Romita Jr. delivers quality no matter the setting; he rises to the challenge.

I rate Captain America # 1 Buy Your Own Copy. #2 (of 5) on the Al-O-Meter Ranking

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I Reads You Review - MARVEL MUST HAVES: Wolverine #20-22


WRITERS: Mark Millar
PENCILS: John Romita, Jr.
INKS: Klaus Janson
COLORS: Paul Mounts
LETTERS: VC’s Rus Wooton
ADDITIONAL ART: John Romita, Jr. and Richard Isanove
COVER: John Romita, Jr. with Paul Mounts
80pp, Color, $3.99 U.S., $5.75 CAN

Rated: PSR+

I was going through a stack of comic books that I found in the comics graveyard that part of my house has become. I came across Marvel Must Haves: Wolverine #20-22. I remember reading it or at least some of it some time ago. I do remember why I bought this comic book: it collected a hot story arc.

Mark Millar started writing Wolverine (Vol. 3) around 2004. His first story arc was “Enemy of the State” (Wolverine #20-25), which was drawn by John Romita, Jr., with inks by Klaus Janson and colors by Paul Monts. Because the early issues of “Enemy of the State” were selling out, Marvel Comics collected the first three issues in a “Marvel Must Haves” edition. For a time, Marvel re-offered portions of hot story arcs for readers who wanted to catch up on those stories without having to wait for a trade collection in “Marvel Must Have” comic books.

I can only remember reading part of “Enemy of the State,” but I do remember really liking what I read. I can say, after having recently read the entirety of Marvel Must Haves: Wolverine #20-22, “I gots to read da rest!”

In Wolverine #20, our hero, Wolverine/Logan, arrives in Japan to help an old acquaintance recover his kidnapped son. Instead, Logan finds himself battling ninja, before falling into the clutches of Gorgon, some kind of mutant, ninja-master. This is all part of plot involving three groups: Gorgon’s Dawn of the White Light, The Hand (a ninja outfit), and Hydra. Guest-stars include Nick Fury and Elektra Natchios.

In Wolverine #21, Logan infiltrates a S.H.I.E.L.D. aircraft carrier in the South Atlantic Ocean, where he takes on Elektra. Guest-stars include Kitty Pryde and Storm of the X-Men. In Wolverine #22, Logan infiltrates the Baxter Building for a battle royale with the Fantastic Four. Dr. Henry Pym and Tony Stark also guest-star.

I think that Mark Millar is one of the best superhero comic book writers to emerge in the last two decades. I’d place him in a group just behind Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. Who else is in that group with Millar? Later for that is what I’ll say for now. Millar has a knack for creating these rousing stories with great action and suspense set pieces that turn his comic books into potboilers. He can do it without developing character relationships in a meaningful way or offering emotional resonance; his work is action movie comics.

I think this is one of those stories in which Millar’s script is more than just a guide for the artists. His writing dominates, and just about any comic book artist with strong storytelling skills could have done a good job with “Enemy of the State.” Janson’s inking streamlines Romita’s chunky compositions, and Mounts coloring makes the art pop off the page. Still, this is Millar’s show, and it’s a good show.


Reviewed by Leroy Douresseaux

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Albert Avilla Reviews - Daredevil: End of Days #1

Daredevil: End of Days #1
Marvel Comics

Reviewed by Albert Avilla

Writers: Brian Michael Bendis & David Mack
Pencils: Klaus Janson
Finishes/Paintings: Bill Sienkiewicz

(Spoiler Alert)
The story begins with a gruesome battle to the death between Daredevil and Bullseye. The fight scenes are down and dirty, no mercy, fights to the death with blood splattering across the panels. Daredevil meets his end by the way of a baton through the skull on the streets of Hell's Kitchen.

The story is told through the words of Ben Urich, the reporter of the Marvel world. Urich struggles to begin the story, but once he begins ,the story is gripping. We get a reporters view of the history of Daredevil intermingled with a friend's memories of a great hero. During his investigation of the story, we get to see the callous nature of the citizens of the city which has been a theme in Daredevil stories for decades. Urich paints a picture of a hero who protects Hell's Kitchen at all costs. A hero who crosses the line and kills his greatest enemy. In the closing scene, we see a red-eyed Daredevil looking down on Ben Urich. This issue gives me the feeling of a prologue to the story, and if the prologue is this good, then, the rest of the story better be on the money.

I'm looking forward to a classic Daredevil story, and I will be very upset (pissed like a mother f---) if it fails to live up to the standard that Bendis has set for himself. We don't need six issues of filler and a decent closing. A tour de force of ninja, gangster, super-villain violence wrapped by two covers is what I’m expecting, a story worthy of the character, Daredevil.

Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz are two industry greats who have made their names long before now, but it never hurts to try your best. Some pages make me say, Wow,” and others make me say, “Oww.” The balance of this book falls in the story more than the art.

I rate Daredevil End of Days #1 Buy Your Own Copy.

Monday, October 4, 2010

School of Visual Arts Exhibits Work by Over 100 Comics Artists

Press release:

School of Visual Arts Presents "Ink Plots: The Tradition of the Graphic Novel at SVA"

Comic Art Legends and Rising Stars Celebrated in Exhibition, Talks and Film

See Gary Panter, Dash Shaw, Jerry Robinson, Ray Billingsley, David Sandlin and Jerry Moriarty Live On Stage at SVA

New York, October 1, 2010 - School of Visual Arts (SVA) presents "Ink Plots: The Tradition of the Graphic Novel at SVA," an exhibition of original drawings, books, prints and animation by over 100 artists. "Ink Plots" traces the development of sequential art over four decades with selections by SVA faculty members and showcases the work of SVA alumni who are pushing the boundaries of the graphic novel today. "Ink Plots" is curated by Marshall Arisman, chair of the MFA Illustration as Visual Essay Department, and Thomas Woodruff, chair of the BFA Illustration and Cartooning Department. The exhibition will be on view at the Visual Arts Gallery, 601 West 26 Street, 15th floor, New York City, from October 8 - November 6, 2010. A reception will be held on Thursday, October 14 from 5:30 - 7pm.

"'Ink Plots' pays tribute to some of the most important artists responsible for the invention and development of the graphic novel," says co-curator Arisman. "The years many of these artists spent teaching at SVA has greatly influenced the present generation of graphic novelists."

Participating current and former SVA faculty members include Sal Amendola, R. O. Blechman, Sue Coe, Will Eisner, Tom Gill, Edward Gorey, Burne Hogarth, Klaus Janson, Frances Jetter, Ben Katchor, Peter Kuper, Harvey Kurtzman, Keith Mayerson, David Mazzucchelli, Jerry Moriarty, Mark Newgarden, Gary Panter, Jerry Robinson, David Sandlin, Walter Simonson and Art Spiegelman.

"We're in the midst of the new platinum age for sequential art," says Woodruff, co-curator of the exhibition. "Using multicultural influences and ambitious new formats, SVA alumni are expanding the boundaries of the graphic novel to include traditional and experimental adult-themed long-format works, diarist comics, fantasy epics, and cutting edge examples of 'Amerimanga' the hybridized East-West form taking hold in our cartooning canon."

Participating SVA alumni include Russell Braun, Sungyoon Choi, Erik Craddock, Pascal Dizin, Nathan Fox, June Kim, Bill Plympton, Nate Powell, Lauren Redniss, Dash Shaw, Koren Shadmi, Raina Telgemeier, Michael Townsend, Steve Uy and Sara Varon, among others. A full list of participating SVA alumni can be found below.

Comics legend Will Eisner is often credited with coining the term "graphic novel" with his 1978 work, A Contract with God, which tells four related stories of Jewish immigrant life in 1930s New York. A critical and commercial success, Eisner's landmark work, along with the popular satire of Harvey Kurtzman's Mad magazine and Burne Hogarth's pioneering Tarzan of the Apes (1972), established a new genre of literature, one that embraced the comic format while telling mature, complex stories. In 1986, graphic novels entered the mainstream with the publication of Art Spiegelman's Pulitzer Prize-winning Maus.

From the psychedelic experimentations of Dash Shaw's high school melodrama Bodyworld (2010) to the teen nightmares Raina Telgemeier poignantly details in her fictionalized memoir Smile (2010), the graphic novel has continued to challenge conventional storytelling in form and content. The genre's popularity has also grown exponentially in the past 40 years, allowing artists and publishers to take greater risks. As seen in the 9/11 memoir American Widow (2008), illustrated by Sungyoon Choi, or in Nate Powell's Eisner award-winning exploration of mental illness, Swallow Me Whole (2008), the limits of the graphic novel are still being tested.

Related Events
"Ink Plots" Benefit Cocktail Party
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Midtown Loft & Terrace, 267 5th Avenue

On Thursday, October 14 from 7 - 10pm, The Alumni Society of School of Visual Arts will hold a benefit cocktail party at Midtown Loft & Terrace (267 5th Avenue, New York City). Tickets are priced at $250 with $100 tickets available to SVA alumni. Proceeds will fund a scholarship for cartooning and illustration students at SVA. For more information on this event, please contact The Alumni Society of SVA at (212) 592-2302 or

Will Eisner, Master Teacher at SVA
Monday, October 18, 7pm
SVA Theatre, 333 West 23 Street

This two-part event begins with a panel discussion on longtime SVA faculty member Will Eisner moderated by author and comics historian N. C. Christopher Couch and features Curtis creator Ray Billingsley, Punk magazine creator and underground cartoonist John Holmstrom, author and cartoonist Batton Lash and Will & Ann Eisner Family Foundation President Carl Gropper. The evening continues with a screening of Andrew D. Cooke's documentary Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist (2010, 96 min), which features Kurt Vonnegut, Michael Chabon, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Frank Miller and others discussing Eisner's impact on popular culture. This event is free and open to the public.

Every Picture Tells a Story: Comics and Narrative Painting
Wednesday, October 20, 7pm
SVA Theatre, 333 West 23 Street

New media guru and comics scholar John Carlin, who founded the digital design studio Funny Garbage and co-curated the 2005 exhibition "Masters of American Comics" at The Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, leads a panel discussion on the relation of comics to narrative painting. Participants include legendary painters, comic book artists and SVA faculty members Gary Panter, Jerry Moriarty and David Sandlin. This event is free and open to the public.

Jerry Robinson: Ambassador of Comics
Wednesday, November 3, 7pm
209 East 23 Street, 3rd-floor amphitheater

A living legend of American comics and one of SVA's original faculty members, Jerry Robinson will discuss his influential career, including his most recent books, Jerry Robinson: Ambassador of Comics (Abrams ComicArts, 2010) and Jet Scott Volume 1 and 2 (Dark Horse, 2010) along with the forthcoming updated edition of the 1974 classic The Comics: An Illustrated History of Comic Strip Art (Dark Horse, 2011). As a member of the original Batman team, Robinson created the Joker and co-created Robin. A 70-year veteran of the comics industry, he was inducted into the Comic Book Hall of Fame in 2004. This event is free and open to the public.

Distinguished Alumnus Lecture by Dash Shaw
Thursday, November 4, 7pm
SVA Theatre, 333 West 23 Street

The New York Times has called artist and SVA alumnus Dash Shaw (BFA 2005 Illustration) "a hard-core experimentalist" and "a hell of an artist, constructing vivid, uncanny compositions with a spectacular sense of color and space." With the publication of Bottomless Belly Button (Fantagraphics, 2008) and BodyWorld (Pantheon, 2010), Shaw has quickly established himself as a leader among today's graphic novelists. The animator and director of IFC's The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., Shaw is currently working on the animated feature The Ruined Cast. This event is free and open to the public. Presented by the Alumni Society of School of Visual Arts.

About School of Visual Arts
The Visual Arts Gallery, located at 601 West 26th Street between 11th and 12th Avenues, 15th floor, is open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 6pm; closed on Sundays and public holidays. Admission is free. The gallery is accessible by wheelchair. For further information call 212.592.2145.

School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City is an established leader and innovator in the education of artists. From its inception in 1947, the faculty has been comprised of professionals working in the arts and art-related fields. SVA provides an environment that nurtures creativity, inventiveness and experimentation, enabling students to develop a strong sense of identity and a clear direction of purpose.

Participating SVA alumni, as of September 30, 2010, include: Rachel Allison, Delfin Barral, James L. Barry, Lauren Simkin Berke, Russ Braun, Hanni Brosh, Nathan Bulmer, Matty Burns, C.M. Butzer, Aaron Campbell, Mike Carlin, Frank Caruso, Sungyoon Choi, Erik Craddock, Jerry Craft, Marguerite Dabaie, Farel Dalrymple, Nick DeStefano, Matt Dicke, Pascal Dizin, Mike Dubisch, Darnell Edwards, Rami Efal, Anat Even-Or, Brian Floca, Joe Flood, Nathan Fox, Doug Fraser, Stephen Gilpin, Will Grant, N. Steven Harris, Scott Harrison, Paul Hoppe, Dunja Jankovic, Sabrina Jones, Kripa Joshi, Yuriko Katori, Victor Kerlow, June Kim, Scott Koblish, Viktor Koen, Nora Krug, Batton Lash, Brendan Leach, Dongyun Lee, John Paul Leon, Yali Lin, Abede Lovelace, Michael Lurry, Benjamin Marra, Shawn Martinbrough, Andrés Vera Martínez, Patrick McDonnell, Mark McKenna, Joe Meyer, Antonio Montalvo, Christian Montalvo, Al Nickerson, Cheri Nowak, Neil Numberman, Kensuke Okabayashi, Kip Omolade, Bill Plympton, Nate Powell, Joel Priddy, Lauren Redniss, Jungyeon Roh, Matt Roscetti, Koren Shadmi, Dash Shaw, Sandy Spreitz, Leslie Stein, James Sturm, Raina Telgemeier, Jodi Tong, Michael Townsend, Jonathan Twingley, Steve Uy, Sara Varon, Cherise Ward, Carolyn Watson-Dubisch, Graig Weich and Sophia Wiedeman.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baltimore Comic-Con Panel Schedule

Baltimore Comic-Con 2010 Panel Announcements, Guests, and Portfolio Reviews!

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND - August 19, 2010 - You've been clamoring for it, we've been working on it, and now we're ready to announce it -- the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con Panel Schedule!

Room 307 (Saturday)
11:00-12:00 - Spotlight on Terry Moore - Terry Moore is the award-winning creator of "Strangers in Paradise" and "Echo" and has also written such comics as Marvel's "Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane" and "Runaways." This panel shines the spotlight on Moore and his work and is a must-see for all his fans.

12:00-1:00 - IRREDEEMABLE/INCORRUPTIBLE Panel - Mark Waid's Harvey and Eisner nominated, best-selling, multiple sell-out IRREDEEMABLE has taken comic fans by storm since its debut, becoming one of the top-selling independent comics published today. Join Mark Waid as he takes a look back at IRREDEEMABLE's beginnings, the future of the series, and its sister series -- INCORRUPTIBLE. A not-to-be-missed panel for any fan of these books! (PSSSSST: Mark will also talk a little bit about his new BOOM! book with Stan Lee called THE TRAVELER. Don't miss it!)

1:00-2:00 - Spotlight on Thor - With the THOR feature film from Marvel Studios premiering in May, 2011, and his adventures featured across both the Marvel and Ultimate Universes, Thor is one of Marvel's hottest characters. Chroniclers of the Thunder God's adventures from the past, present, and future - Walter Simonson, John Workman, Bryan J.L. Glass, and Jonathan Hickman - join Marvel's Vice President - Executive Editor Tom Brevoort to discuss all things Thor.

2:00-3:00 - Spotlight on Denis Kitchen - Denis Kitchen is a cartoonist and founder of Kitchen Sink Press where he published work by such creators as Will Eisner, Harvey Kurtzman, and Robert Crumb. A book of his art "The Oddly Compelling Art of Denis Kitchen" was recently published by Dark Horse; a new art book, "Denis Kitchen: Chipboard Sketchbook", is on the way from BOOM!; and a book he co-authored, "Art of Harvey Kurtzman: The Mad Genius of Comic" is nominated for a Harvey Award. Don't miss this opportunity hear about the work of a true comics original.

3:00-4:00 - Spotlight on Michael Allred - Michael Allred is the creator of "Madman" ,"Atomics", "Red Rocket 7," and has worked on such comics as the "Golden Plates," "X-Statix," and "Sandman" and is currently drawing "iZombie" from DC/Vertigo. Allred and "iZombie" scribe, Chris Roberson, take a look at his career in a spotlight you dare not miss!

Room 308 (Saturday)
11:00-12:00 - comiXology and the Future of Digital Comics - comiXology has become the leader in the digital comics revolution while maintaining great services for brick and mortar retailers. This past year has seen an explosion of digital comics, and comiXology has been on the forefront of the movement with a massive comics library, online aids for collectors, podcasts, and apps for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. On comiXology's one year anniversary, CEO David Steinberger takes a look at the events of this past year and what the future holds for digital comics in this enlightening panel.

12:00-1:00 - Spotlight on Todd McFarlane - From SPAWN to HAUNT, Image Comics founder and partner Todd McFarlane has been the driving force behind the biggest creator-owned titles in the industry. Join McFarlane for exclusive sneak peeks of his upcoming projects and a Q&A session that shouldn't be missed!

1:00-2:00 - Top Cow: We Create... Universes - Join Top Cow Publisher Filip Sablik, Top Cow Universe architect and writer Ron Marz, and Artifacts artist Michael Broussard for a frank and lively discussion of upcoming events in the Top Cow Universe spinning out of the world-shattering event series - Artifacts! Questions will be answered, early sneak peeks shown, and perhaps even a hilarious anecdote will be told. Plus every attendee will receive a free gift just for attending.

2:00-3:00 - DC NATION - The DC NATION returns to Baltimore! We're always looking for new recruits, so be sure to come on by as DC Comics' Senior Story Editor, Ian Sattler, and some of the industry's top talent lead the way to give you the inside scoop to all current and future NATION members!

3:00-4:00 - Mondo Marvel - From the Marvel U to the Ultimate U and everything in between, Vice President - Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, and superstar writers Jonathan Hickman (S.H.I.E.L.D., Fantastic Four) and Jeff Parker (Hulk, Thunderbolts) are on hand to talk about all of your favorite heroes and villains as well as make a few surprise announcements!

4:00-5:00 - IDW ON THE MOVE! - Join IDW Senior editor Bob Schreck, Steve Niles, Bernie Wrightson, Chris Moreno, and Stuart Sayger in this lively look at the company's current and upcoming releases to be followed by a Q&A session.

Room 301-303 (Saturday)
4:00-5:00 - Artist's Workshop Art Dissection - Klaus Janson and Howard Chaykin open their Artist's Workshop to all convention guests at this time. A few lucky students from their professional seminar will have their work honestly dissected by these two masters. This is a panel no artist should miss!

Room 307 (Sunday)
11:00-12:00 -Creating Comic Art Digitally - Daniel Govar, creator/artist of AZURE along with Matt Zolman, co-creator and artist of Epic, show you the benefit and shortfalls of creating comic art with the use of computer software. From best practices, to resolutions and file formats, they will demonstrate how they create stunning comics using popular software, and answer questions you may have about making comics digitally.

12:00-1:00 - Spotlight on Sergio Aragones - Sergio Aragones has been called the "fastest cartoonist in the world," has drawn thousands of cartoons for "Mad Magazine," created Bat Lash and Groo the Wanderer, and kept us laughing for years. Join the award-winning cartoonist for a look at his work that will leave you smiling!

1:00-2:00 - Comics Rewind: The 1980s - The 1980s were a time of growth for comics with the direct market and new publishers offering creators the opportunity to present their creations as never before. And the results were spectacular. Join Louise Simonson ("Power Pack," "X-Factor"), Walter Simonson ("Thor," "X-Factor"), Timothy Truman ("GrimJack," "Scout"), Matt Wagner ("Mage," "Grendel"), Marv Wolfman ("New Teen Titans," "Crisis on Infinite Earths"), John Workman ("Heavy Metal", "Thor"), and moderator Mark Waid as they take a look back at the comics of the 1980s.

2:00-3:00 - Spotlight on Cuba: My Revolution - Artist Dean Haspiel and colorist Jose Villarrubia discuss their new Vertigo graphic novel collaboration. Dean Haspiel is a native New Yorker who created BILLY DOGMA and STREET CODE and has collaborated on great superhero and semi-autobiographical comic books, helped pioneer personal webcomics with the invention of ACT-I-VATE, and draws for HBO's "Bored To Death." Jose Villarrubia is a renowned artist/colorist/photographer who has worked on such books as Alan Moore's "Voice of the Fire" and "Promethea" among many, many others. He is also the chair of the Illustration Department at MICA (Maryland Institute College of Art).

3:00-4:00 - PAUL POPE VS BOB SCHRECK - A CAGED EVENT - Don't miss this satisfaction-guaranteed, fists-a-flying blood match by joining award-winning multi-talented storyteller, Paul Pope, in an examination of his creative process and how he suffers under the heel of his terrifying editor.

Room 308 (Sunday)
11:00-12:00 - Marvel Your Universe - Join Vice President - Executive Editor Tom Brevoort, as he leaves his Marvel ID at the door and enters as a fan! Want to know how things work at the House of Ideas? Got some things to get off your chest about a Marvel character or story? Well here's your chance True Believer! It's the panel for fans BY fans with no spin, no marketing, and just a friendly chat amongst fans!

12:00-1:00 - DC SUNDAY CONVERSATION - All are welcome to join Senior Story Editor Ian Sattler for a relaxed Sunday afternoon discussion. Share your thoughts, or be enthralled, as the group share their stories and love for this medium.

1:00 - Costume Contest - The wildly popular costume contest returns for a second year! The $1,000 grand prize will be awarded to the best over-all costume at the event, including pro and amateur costumes. Other award categories will win DVD prize packages, comic book packages, Orioles baseball tickets, gift certificates to Cards, Comics and Collectibles of Reisterstown, Maryland, and special last minute prizes from top comic book companies. Everyone who enters the contest will win passes to the advance screening of Summit Entertainment's newest film, RED, starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and Helen Mirren (based on the Wildstorm graphic novel by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner) which opens nationwide on Friday, October 15th.

Rooms 301-303 (Sunday)
3:00 - Art Auction - Art fans, don't miss this opportunity to see and bid on art from your favorite comic artists! You're sure to find something here you like!

Janson & Chaykin Offer Art Seminar
With over seventy five years of cumulative experience in the comic book industry, Klaus Janson and Howard Chaykin are all-too-well-versed in the ins and outs of making a career in our inkstained - and now, with all that digital stuff, carpal tunneled - business. For the past few years, Klaus and Howard have been conducting an Artist's Workshop for Marvel, offering invaluable insights, gleaned from those decades of experience, on narrative, storytelling, page design, and career management.

They've developed a fluid and comprehensive take on the inside game played by successful cartoonists - and a series of direct and vital techniques intended to drag newer talents out of a hobby and into a profession - without ever losing the joy all of us experience when we ply our craft.

Klaus and Howard have taken their seminar on the road to the renowned Savannah College of Art & Design, to great acclaim from students and faculty alike, and now they're bringing a customized version of the workshop to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con. On Saturday, August 28th, from 1pm to 4pm, Messrs. Janson and Chaykin will entertain and enlighten with a lively, spirited, and very likely prickly and opinionated dissertation, followed, from 4 PM to 5 PM, by an hour of honest dissection of the work of several lucky attendees. All class registrants will be eligible for the dissection lottery, so bring some of your work if you want to hear from these two very honest men!

To register for this very special class, please call our host store, Cards, Comics, & Collectibles @ 410-526-7410. The cost for this professional seminar is $75. Major credit cards will be accepted for payment. The hour of honest dissection from 4pm-5pm will be exciting programming available to all ticketed attendees of the Baltimore Comic-Con. Register now while space is still available!

Portfolio Reviews
Mark Chiarello, Art Director at DC Comics, will be doing portfolio reviews from 11am to 1pm at the Mark's booth on both Saturday and Sunday. Think you've got the chops to make it as a pro at DC Comics? Come and find out first-hand!

Todd McFarlane Signing
Attending the show on Saturday only this year, Todd McFarlane will be featured in a Spotlight panel session (room 308) from 12pm-1pm. Following his panel, he will be signing in booth 2403 from 1:30pm-3:30pm.

Added Guests:
We are pleased to announce the addition of the following guests to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con: Danna Bremer (Zuda Comics Crew), Buzz (JSA), Kevin Colden (I Rule The Night), Ian Edginton (Victorian Undead), Steve Ellis (High Moon), John Gallagher (Buzzboy), David Gallaher (High Moon), Dan Govar (Azure), Randy Green (New X-Men), Brad Guigar (Evil Inc.), Matthew Petz (War of the Woods), Chris Staros (Publisher, Top Shelf), and Bobby and Peter Timony (The Night Owls).

Regretfully, Cully Hamner is unable to attend the show this year.

Publishers exhibiting in 2010 include Archaia Comics, Adhouse Books, Boom! Studios, IDW, Image Comics, Top Cow Productions, and Top Shelf Comix.

In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website (, Twitter (, Facebook (, MySpace (, and ComicSpace ( pages.

This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 28th.

Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries

About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit

Monday, August 9, 2010

Howard Chaykin, Klaus Janson Workshop at Baltimore Comic-Con

Klaus Janson & Howard Chaykin Offer Artist's Workshop at the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con

With over seventy five years of cumulative experience in the comic book industry, Klaus Janson and Howard Chaykin are all-too-well-versed in the ins and outs of making a career in our inkstained - and now, with all that digital stuff, carpal tunneled - business.

For the past few years, Klaus and Howard have been conducting an Artist's Workshop for Marvel, offering invaluable insights, gleaned from those decades of experience, on narrative, storytelling, page design, and career management.

They've developed a fluid and comprehensive take on the inside game played by successful cartoonists - and a series of direct and vital techniques intended to drag newer talents out of a hobby and into a profession - without ever losing the joy all of us experience when we ply our craft.

Klaus and Howard have taken their seminar on the road to the renowned Savannah College of Art & Design, to great acclaim from students and faculty alike, and now they're bringing a customized version of the workshop to the 2010 Baltimore Comic-Con.

On Saturday, August 28th, from 1 PM to 4 PM, Messrs. Janson and Chaykin will entertain and enlighten with a lively, spirited, and very likely prickly and opinionated dissertation, followed, from 4 PM to 5 PM, by an hour of honest dissection of the work of several lucky attendees. All class registrants will be eligible for the dissesction lottery, so bring some of your work if you want to hear from these two very honest men!

You'll come away informed, enthusiastic, or downright annoyed-but we guarantee you won't be bored, and that you'll never look at comics the same way again.

To register for this very special class, please call our host store Cards, Comics, & Collectibles @ 410-526-7410. The cost for this professional seminar is $75. Major credit cards will be accepted for payment. The hour of honest dissection from 4-5pm will be exciting programming available to all ticketed attendees of the Baltimore Comic-Con. Register now while space is still available!

Publishers exhibiting in 2010 include Archaia Comics, Adhouse Books Boom! Studios, Dark Horse Comics, IDW, Image Comics, Top Cow Productions, and Top Shelf Comix.

Our guests include: Dave Aikins (SpongeBob Squarepants), Mike and Laura Allred (Madman), Sergio Aragones (Groo), Ivan Brandon (Nemesis: The Imposters), Tom Brevoort (Executive Editor, Marvel Comics), Michael Broussard (The Darkness), Jim Calafiore (Secret Six), Eric Canete (New Avengers: Luke Cage), Bernard Chang (Prince of Persia), Howard Chaykin (Black Kiss), Sean Chen (Nova), Cliff Chiang (Greendale), Mark Chiarello (Editor, DC Comics), Frank Cho (Ultimate Comics New Ultimates), Mike Choi (X-Force), Steve Conley (Star Trek Omnibus: The Original Series), Amanda Conner (Power Girl), Shane Davis (Superman: Earth One), Francesco Francavilla (The Green Hornet: Year One), Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez (Wednesday Comics), Ron Garney (Wolverine: Weapon X), Sterling Gates (Supergirl), Bryan J.L. Glass (Mice Templar), Michael Golden (Marvel 1602: Spider-Man), Cully Hamner (Detective Comics), Dean Haspiel (ACT-I-VATE), Jonathan Hickman (Fantastic Four), Greg Horn (Green Lantern), Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman), Jamal Igle (Supergirl), Georges Jeanty (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), Van Jensen (Pinocchio: Vampire Slayer), Geoff Johns - Sunday only (Blackest Night, Chief Creative Officer, DC Comics), J.G. Jones (DC Universe Legacies), Denis Kitchen (Oddly Compelling Art of Denis Kitchen), Barry Kitson (Iron Man 2 Prequel), Rich Koslowski (BB Wolf and the 3 LPs), Greg LaRocque (The Exiled), Erik Larsen (Savage Dragon), Norman Lee (New Mutants), Steve Lieber (Underground), Joe Linsner (Dawn: Not To Touch The Earth), Luna Brothers (The Sword), David Mack (Kabuki), Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy), Laura Martin (Girl Comics), Ron Marz (Witchblade), Todd McFarlane - Saturday only (Spawn), Mark McKenna (Banana Tail), Mike McKone (Avengers Academy), Bob McLeod (New Mutants Forever), Pop Mhan (Ender's Game: Mazer In Prison), Terry Moore (Echo, SiP), Mark Morales (Siege), Chris Moreno (Toy Story), Sean Murphy (Joe the Barbarian), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Phil Noto (Avengers: The Origin), Ryan Ottley (Invincible), Jimmy Palmiotti (Jonah Hex), Jeff Parker (Thunderbolts), Lauren Perry (Blank-ees), David Petersen (Mouse Guard), Brandon Peterson (Ultimate Extinction), Chris Pitzer (Publisher, Adhouse Books), Paul Pope (Wednesday Comics), Eric Powell (The Goon), Jack Purcell (Gotham City Sirens), Mike Raicht (The Stuff of Legend), Tom Raney (Black Widow: Deadly Origin), Chris Roberson (I, Zombi), James Robinson (Justice League of America), Kenneth Rocafort (Velocity), Budd Root (Cavewoman), Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge), Craig Rousseau (Marvel Her-Oes), Stephane Roux (Zatanna), Jim Rugg (Afrodisiac), Filip Sablik (The Asset, Top Cow Pubisher), Tim Sale courtesy of Hero Initiative (Captain America White), Ian Sattler (Editor, DC Comics), Stuart Sayger (Bram Stoker's Death Ship), Bob Schreck (Jurassic Park), Jim Shooter (Magnus, Robot Fighter), Louise Simonson (X-Factor Forever), Walter Simonson (Thor), Andy Smith (WildC.A.T.S.), John K. Snyder III (The A-Team: Shotgun Wedding), Allison Sohn (Star Wars sketchcard artist), Jim Starlin (Dreadstar), Brian Stelfreeze (The Authority: The Lost Year), Paul D. Storrie (Twilight Crusade: Gabriel), Karl Story (Zatanna), Billy Tan (Shadowland), Ben Templesmith sponsored by Laughing Ogre Comics (Choker), Mark Texeira (X-Men: Origins), Herb Trimpe (Incredible Hulk), Timothy Truman (Conan the Cimmerian), Billy Tucci (Shi), Dexter Vines (Ultimate Avengers), Neil Vokes (Superman Adventures), Doug Wagner (World of Warcraft: Horde), Matt Wagner (The Green Hornet: Year One), Mark Waid (Irredeemable, Chief Creative Officer, Boom! Studios), Marv Wolfman (New Teen Titans), John Workman (Heavy Metal), Bernie Wrightson (Swamp Thing), Kelly Yates (Doctor Who: 2010 Annual), and Chrissie Zullo (Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love).

In coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found at our website (, Twitter (, Facebook (, MySpace (, and ComicSpace ( pages.

This year's Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. Convention hours are Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM and Sunday 10 AM to 5 PM. The ceremony and banquet for the Harvey Awards will be held Saturday night, August 28th.

Contact Information
Please use the following e-mail addresses to contact the Baltimore Comic-Con: - for any general press inquiries or to be added to our PR distribution - for requesting exhibitor, publisher, and Artist Alley applications - for inquiries about submitted registrations - for communications regarding the Harvey Awards ceremony and banquet - for general Baltimore Comic-Con inquiries

About The Baltimore Comic-Con
The Baltimore Comic-Con is celebrating its 11th year of bringing the comic book industry to the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area. With a guest list unequaled in the industry, the Baltimore Comic-Con will be held August 28-29, 2010. For more information, please visit

About The Harvey Awards
The Harvey Awards are one of the comic book industry's oldest and most respected awards. With a history of over 20 years, the last 5 in conjunction with the Baltimore Comic-Con, the Harveys recognize outstanding achievements in over 20 categories. They are the only industry awards nominated and selected by the full body of comic book professionals. For more information, please visit