Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Mahmud Asrar & Matthew Wilson), $4.99
Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Peach Momoko), $4.99
Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Blank Variant), $4.99
Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover D Pepe Larraz & Matthew Wilson), AR
Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover E Matias Bergara), AR
Bug Wars #1 (Of 6)(Cover F Peach Momoko Virgin Variant), AR
Creepshow In Love #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Chris Burnham & Brian Reber), $4.99
Creepshow In Love #1 (One Shot)(Cover B Mirka Andolfo), $4.99
Creepshow In Love #1 (One Shot)(Cover C Patrick Horvath), AR
Death Of Copra #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Michel Fiffe), $3.99
Death Of Copra #2 (Of 4)(Cover B Michel Fiffe Yellow Variant), $3.99
Death Of Copra #2 (Of 4)(Cover C Michel Fiffe Black Connecting Variant), AR
Death Of Copra #2 (Of 4)(Cover D Sam McKenzie), AR
Death Of Copra #2 (Of 4)(Cover E Michel Fiffe Savage Dragon Variant), AR
Feral #10 (Cover A Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner), $3.99
Feral #10 (Cover B Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner Homage Variant), $3.99
Feral #10 (Cover C Tony Fleecs & Trish Forstner Virgin Variant), AR
Feral #10 (Cover D Nik Virella), AR
Geiger #10 (2nd Printing Cover A Gary Frank), $3.99
Geiger #11 (Cover A Gary Frank & Brad Anderson), $3.99
Geiger #11 (Cover B Jacob Phillips), $3.99
Geiger #11 (Cover C German Peralta), $3.99
Hack/Slash Body Bags #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Tim Seeley), $3.99
Hack/Slash Body Bags #3 (Of 4)(Cover B Steve Kurth), $3.99
Hive #1 (Cover A Mike Henderson), $3.99
Hive #1 (Cover B Mike Henderson Striped Variant), AR
I Hate Fairyland #20 (Cover A Brett Bean), $3.99
I Hate Fairyland #20 (Cover B Brett Bean F*Ck Uncensored Fairyland Variant), $3.99
I Hate Fairyland #20 (Cover C Skottie Young), AR
I Hate Fairyland #20 (Cover D Skottie Young Black & White Virgin Variant), AR
I Hate Fairyland Deluxe Volume 3 HC, $34.99
Kill Or Be Killed Compendium TP, $59.99
Kill Or Be Killed Compendium Trade Paperback Bookplate, AR
Lucky Devils #1 (Of 9)(2nd Printing Cover A Maria Wolf), $3.99
Lucky Devils #1 (Of 9)(2nd Printing Cover B Maria Wolf Black & White Foil Variant), AR
Lucky Devils #2 (Of 9)(Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99
Lucky Devils #2 (Of 9)(Cover B James Harren), $3.99
Lucky Devils #2 (Of 9)(Cover C James Harren Foil Variant), AR
Moon Is Following Us #6 (Of 10)(Cover A Riley Rossmo), $3.99
Moon Is Following Us #6 (Of 10)(Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson), $3.99
Rocketfellers #1 (Cover E Francis Manapul Original Art Convention Sketch Variant), AR
Seasons #1 (Cover E Paul Azaceta Drawn On Variant)(per Lunar Distribution), AR
Self Help Volume 1 TP, $16.99
Silverlake TP, $16.99
Spawn #361 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $2.99
Spawn #361 (Cover B Francesco Tomaselli), $2.99
Standstill #7 (Of 8)(Cover A Andrew Robinson Wraparound Variant), $4.99
Standstill #7 (Of 8)(Cover B Alex Riegel), $4.99
Transformers #17 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #17 (Cover B Jorge Corona & Mike Spicer), $3.99
Transformers #17 (Cover C Karl Kerschl Connecting Variant), AR
Transformers #17 (Cover D Jay Anacleto & Romulo Fajardo Jr.), AR
Transformers #17 (Cover E Homare), AR
Witchblade #8 (2024)(Cover A Giuseppe Cafaro & Arif Prianto), $3.99
Witchblade #8 (2024)(Cover B Camilla Derrico & Asuka111), $3.99
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