Leroy's Amazon Comics and Graphic Novels Page
From BleedingCool: "The Amazing Spider-Man #798" speculator clown show continues.
From THR: "Justice League: No Justice" is a four-issue, weekly comic book miniseries that will affect the direction of the DCU.
From CatholicUniverse: Catholic comic book creators have started a Kickstarter to raise money for a 50-page, full-color, "pro-life" graphic novel.
From TheOuthousers: Sherard Jackson talks about his webcomic, "Darbi."
From Syfy: Jimmy Palmiotti talks about the Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign (which has already reached its goal) for a horror graphic novel, "Killing Time in America."
From Newsweek: Marvel well begin publishing a "Fantastic Four" comic book again in August 2018 with writer Dan Slott and artist Sara Pichelli as the creative team.
From BleedingCool: "Death of the Inhumans" in July.
From DCComicsBlog: DC Comics signs Frank Miller to a five-project deal.
From BleedingCool: Veteran comic book writer-artist William Messner-Loebs is currently homeless... and has one arm!
From BleedingCool: Award-winning novelist Margaret Atwood and comic book artist unite for the comic book miniseries, "War Bears."
From BleedingCool: Gail Simone talks about bringing together Tarzan and Red Sonja in a new comic book.
From ComicBookBin: New Johnny Bullet episode #156 in English.
From ComicBookBin: New Johnny Bullet episode #156 in French.
From PublishersWeekly: DC Comics signs Frank Miller to an exclusive book deal that is part of a larger strategy to increase its presence in the bookstore market.
From BleedingCool: Classic horror comics character, Swamp Thing, is getting a redesign for his appearance in the new "Justice League Dark" comic book series.
From BleedingCool: Julie Benson and Shawna Benson will be the new writers on "Green Lantern" beginning with "Green Lantern Annual 2."
From BleedingCool: Only the first issue of "DC Nation #0" will cost .25 cents.
From Vibe: Comic Book Anthology "Puerto Rico Strong" To Donate Proceeds To Hurricane Maria Relief Efforts
From PBSNewsHour: Opinion: Why ‘Black Panther’ and other comic books belong in the classroom
From BleedingCool: Oni Press solicitations for June 2018
From ComicBookBin: New web comic - Johnny Bullet episode #155 in English
From ComicBookBin: New web comic - Johnny Bullet episode #155 in French
From BleedingCool: IDW Publishing solicitations for June 2018
From ComicsBeat: Your crash course guide to DC’s new SANDMAN UNIVERSE line
From BleedingCool: Archie meets "Batman '66" in... what else... "Archie Meets Batman '66."
From MonkeysFightingRobots: "Free Comic Book Day" is not free for the retailers that offer comic books. Diamond Distributors is offering some relief on those costs for FCBD 2018.
From Newsarama: Dark Horse Comics will publish comic books that tie-in with Pixar's upcoming 3D animated film, "The Incredible 2."
From BleedingCool: DC Comics to translate and publish manga based on Batman and the Justice League.
From ComicBook: The current "Marvel 2-in-One" will introduce new Fantastic Four costumes.
From BleedingCool: Marvel Comics has a plan to make retailers over-order on "A Fresh Start."
From BleedingCool: DC Comics launches a new line of collections called "Essential Edition."
From Newsarama: Anne McCaffrey's "Dragonriders of Pern" returns to comic books via Dabel Brothers this fall. Eclipse Books previously adapted the fantasy novel series into comics in 1991.
From BlackEnterprise: Jazmin Truesdale has created Aza Comics, an all-female superhero comic book universe.
From BleedingCool: There will be a new "Hawkman" monthly comic book written by Robert Vendetti and drawn by Bryan Hitch. [Good luck with that. - Editor]
From BleedingCool: Chip Zdarsky Goes Marvel Exclusive
From SanDiegoUnionTribune: With 'Black Panther' and 'Black Lightning' emerging, the 'Encyclopedia of Black Comics' is here to help
From Ohio: 23-year-old Jimmy Scott was killed in 1966. His family hung onto his collection of over 1100 comic books, many of them key Silver Age issues. Jimmy's family recently sold the collection to a comic book store in Canal Fulton, Ohio.
From Brightly: 12 Things Parents and Educators Should Know About Manga for Middle Schoolers
From BleedingCool: 100 most ordered comic books and 100 top graphic novels for February 2018.
From TheHollywoodReporter: DC Comics announces a new imprint, "Black Label." It will place the best creators with established characters for out-of-continuity stories. "Superman: Year One" written by Frank Miller and drawn by John Romita, Jr. was one of the first announced titles.
From Newsarama: February 2018 comic book sales are down, but with a caveat.
From Comicsverse: Princess Leia manga arrives on "Star Wars Day."
From BleedingCool: Rich Tommaso giving us a really "special edition" of Clover Honey."
From BleedingCool: Netflix acquires Rob Liefeld's "Extreme Universe" of characters.
From BleedingCool: Former Marvel Comics editor and writer is now an editor at Valiant Entertainment.
From BleedingCool: Chris Ryall steps down as Editor-in-Chief as IDW Publishing.
From TheHollywoodReporter: Brian Michael Bendis has announced two new titles from "Jinxworld" (his creator-owned imprint), including one that reunites him with his "Alias" cohort, Michael Gaydos. Both will be published by Bendis' new home, DC Comics.
From ComicBook: Marvel will reinvent the origins of Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers.
From BleedingCool: Mark Buckingham is adapting four Neil Gaiman stories for a graphic novel anthology from Dark Horse Comics.
From BleedingCool: Illustrator J. Scott Campbell is the latest comic book star to express concern over the recent turns of events concerning legendary comic book creator and editor, Stan Lee.
From TheGuardian: "Neil Gaiman is to oversee a new line of comic books set in the world of the Sandman, continuing the adventures of some of his best-loved characters including Dream of the Endless and Lucien the librarian."
From WCET: Comic book store, "Memory Lane Comics and Toys" in Wilmington, NC, sees uptick in business after release of 'Black Panther'
From TokyoReporter: Manga artist Nobuhiro Nishiwaki fined for possessing child pornography
From Asahi: Mongolians irate over manga showing penis on Genghis Khan
From BleedingCool: To help alleviate the risk retailers take, Dark Horse Comics is expanding "returnability" of new titles.
From JapanToday: In 2017, online sales of manga surpassed print editions for the first time.
From TheAtlantic: Ta-Nehisi Coates explains why he is writing Marvel Comics "Captain America," with his first issue appearing Summer 2018.
From BleedingCool: AfterShock Comics Sends Care Packages to Comic Book Stores
From BleedingCool: Oni Press is publishing a new edition of Paul Tobin and Colleen Coover's all-ages comic, "Banana Sundays."
From BleedingCool: Diamond Brings Spinner Racks Back to Comic Stores
From TheDailyMail: Stan Lee fires manager and his nurse who gave him naked showers over 'plot to estrange him from his daughter and sole heir' as cops probe missing millions and he battles pneumonia
From TheDailyBeast: ‘Picked Apart by Vultures’: The Last Days of Stan Lee