Leroy's Amazon Comics and Graphic Novels Page
RIP - From BleedingCool: Comic book agent, David Campiti, remembers recently deceased artist, Bong Dazo ("Deadpool").
From BleedingCool: eBay To Sell Digital Comic Books from Today
From BleedingCool: See Lucas Turnbloom’s Harry Potter-Styled San Diego Public Library Card
RIP - From THR: Famed and volatile speculative fiction and television writer, Harlan Ellison, has died. He also wrote several comics books and many of his stories were adapted for comic books.
From TheBeat: Updates from Ed Brubaker on "Kill or Be Killed" and more.
From BleedingCool: Brian Michael Bendis says that DC Comics will promote his creator-owned comics more than Marvel did.
From ComicBookBin: New webcomic Johnny Bullet episode #166 in English.
From ComicBookBin: New webcomic Johnny Bullet episode #166 in French.
From THR: Tee Franklin's LGBTQ graphic novel, "Bingo Love" will return in a Vol. 2 and a new edition of Vol. 1.
From BleedingCool: "The Trouble With Those 100 Page DC Comics From Walmart" by Rich Johnston.
From TheBeat: Some retailers are outraged at the DC Comics-Wal-Mart exclusive deal that will see Wal-Mart exclusively carry four 100-page DC titles that will reprint stories, but also include original content.
From ComicBook: Mike Colter, star of Marvel/Netflix's "Luke Cage," explains why Cage is not called "Power Man" in the series.
From Newsarama: "Silk" is the latest character from the Spider-Man family that is being developed for film by Sony Pictures.
From Asahi: "Golden Kamuy" creator, Satoru Noda, does his homework and research in depicting the Ainu ethnic group. One of the lead characters, Asirpa, is Ainu. "Golden Kamuy" is one of the best comic books being published today.
From BleedingCool: Starting from the first of July, according to Bleeding Cool DC Comics and Walmart have done a deal to exclusively sell four one-hundred-page DC Comics anthology titles every month. The comics will feature both old stories and brand-new content previously unavailable, including original Brian Micheal Bendis "Batman" and Tom King "Superman" 12-part serials.
From TCJ: Niki Smith talks about her erotic graphic novel, "Crossplay," which is set in the comics convention community.
From ComicCon: 2018 Bill Finger Awards for Excellence in Comic Book Writing have been announced. Two influential women, Joye Murchison Kelly and Dorothy Roubicek Woolfolk, were honored.
From BleedingCool: Fantagraphics Books 2018 solicitations.
From BleedingCool: DC Comics rushing out to collections of Geoff Johns and Gary Frank's "Superman" comic books: "Superman: Braniac" and "Superman: Secret Origins."
From Deadline: Mark Miller, Olivier Coipel, and Netflix's Image Comics title, "The Magic Order," is selling like hotcakes.
From THR: Tee Franklin ("Bingo Love") talks about her upcoming socially conscious horror comic book series, "Jook Joint" (Image Comics, October 2018).
From ComicBookBin: New webcomic Johnny Bullet episode #165 in English.
From ComicBookBin: New webcomic Johnny Bullet episode #165 in French.
From YahooNews: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has fired its editorial cartoonist, Rob Rogers, for being critical of President Trump.
From BleedingCool: Stephan Frank talks about his wonderful vampire comic book series, "Silver," and launching a Kickstarter campaign to finish it.
From THR: Marvel has announced the return of one of its "homo" and "freaking female" comic books. "Iceman" (the home) and "The Unstoppable Wasp" (freaking female) are returning this fall.
From Polygon: Batgirl will have a new direction, new comic book writer, and new costume.
From Crunchyroll: "Tokyo Ghoul: re" manga ending soon.
From TheGuardian: Mark Millar says "Netflix will take risks where a studio won't."
From Newsarama: The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating claims that 95-year-old Stan Lee is the victim of elder abuse, related to Lee's business manager, Keya Morgan.
From Polygon: A major DC Entertainment shake-up signals change for movies, TV, and comics
From BleedingCool: Jim Lee and Dan DiDio got the "co" dropped from "co-publishers" and are now listed as "Publishers."
From Deadline: Geoff Johns is leaving his job as Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of DC Entertainment (DC Comics). Johns will move into a Warner Bros first-look producing deal where he will write movie vehicles to produce for Mad Ghost Productions. Johns will also continue to work on existing films based on DC Comics properties.
From Vulture: Many people are still shocked at the apparent recent suicide of celebrity chef and TV host, Anthony Bourdain. Once upon a time, he wanted to draw comic books.
From TheBeat: Longtime "MAD Magazines" cartoonist, Nick Meglin, has died at the age of 82, Saturday, June 2, 2018.
From SanFranChron: A profile of 89-year-old writer, artist, cartoonist, and comic book creator, Jules Feiffer.
From AlbanyTimesUnion: Shawn Pryor talks about the Kickstarter campaign for his comic book, "Lifted: Of Gods and Thieves."
From ANN: The "Tokyo Ghoul: re" manga will reportedly make a big announcement on Thursday, June 14th, 2018.
From LATimes: DC Comics relaunches its "Vertigo" imprint with a new name ("DC Vertigo") and seven new titles.
From BleedingCool: The real Marvel Comics vs. DC Comics will happen when sales figures come out next week.
From BleedingCool: Fabian Nicieza is writing a "World Cup" digital comic book for Marvel and ESPN.
From BleedingCool: DC Comics Advertises Metal Collection on AMC, SYFY, TBS, TNT, and TruTV
From SyFy: Berger Books, an imprint of Dark Horse Comics, has announced a new science fiction title, "LaGuardia," written by Nnedi Okorafor and drawn by Tana Ford.
From ComicBook: GameStop will apparently start selling comic books.
From AnimeNewsNetwork: 23 Shogakukan Manga Magazines Launch Anti-Piracy Campaign
From BleedingCool: It's Alive is going to collect Doug Moench's "Aztez Ace" and has initiated a Kickstarter campaign to publish the project.
From GeekTyrant: The "Batman Ninja" movie will be adapted as a manga for "Monthly Hero's Magazine."
ComiXology Announcement:
From Newsarama: COMIXOLOGY ORIGINALS Offers Print-On-Demand, Exclusive New Creator-Owned Titles for AMAZON PRIME
From WashPost: ComiXology’s new move: A line of original, creator-owned comic books
From BleedingCool: ComiXology introduces Amazon print-on-demand comics.
From BleedingCool: "ComiXology Originals" is opening June with a big announcement.
From Otakukart: Eden’s Zero Manga Reveals New Illustration. New manga from the creator "Fairy Tail."