Creator: Rie Honjyo (cartoonist) with Vivian Chien (translator)
Publishing Information: Juné Manga/DMP, paperback, 184 pages, $12.95 (US)
Ordering Numbers: ISBN: 978-1-56970-770-8 (ISBN-13); 1-56970-770-7 (ISBN-10)
Rating: “M” for “Mature Audiences 18+”
Invisible Love is a yaoi manga short story collection from creator, Rie Honjyo. Eight stories focus on five couples, each couple a perfect match, except that love is having a hard time being seen or coming to fruition.
The title story, “Invisible Love,” and the stories, “Impossible Lover” and “Extra Time,” focus on Inori and Senou, longtime friends. Inori is a hound dog and lothario who sleeps with many women, but he is always being dumped by them. Senou is the best pal who listens to Inori’s complaints, but Senou has feelings deeper than friendship for Senou. What happens when they act on those feelings?
“In a Box with You” finds two roommates at a boys’ boarding school who enjoy mutual masturbation. Is something wrong with them, or is masturbating merely a prelude to a more meaningful relationship? In “The Warmth of Your Hand,” Takeru meets a pretty blond boy named Yukihiko. Takeru thinks Yukihiko’s doll-like face looks familiar, but at the bottom of his memory hole is a childhood accident… and maybe love.
Rie Honjyo is quite talented at cartooning the male figure. In fact, Honjyo has a knack for cartooning the male figure as gorgeous male models. Her work is like manga as fashion photography. However, all that pretty boy art does not translate into erotic comics or even romantic boys’ love manga. The stories in Invisible Love aren’t bad; they’re just average.
The exception is “In a Box with You,” which I find interesting. I’ve never before read a yaoi story in which the sex is mainly mutual masturbation. Reading the story, I couldn’t help but wonder if the relationship between the characters, Sugawara and Nishimura, is representative of how women imagine budding sexual relationships between young men to be.
I ask this because the story is visualized in a sensitive manner, featuring compositions that are emotionally evocative. All the sex scenes in this story are depicted in a manner to suggest that each youth is considering the other’s pleasure. Too bad all of Invisible Love does not go into such intimate detail.