CREATOR: Darren Lynn Bousman
CONCEPT: Michael Peterson
WRITERS: Rob Levin and Troy Peteri
PENCILS: Wayne Nichols
COLORS: Andrei Pervukhin
LETTERS: Troy Peteri
COVER: Tae Young Choi
28pp, Color, $3.50 U.S.
Radical Publishing’s Abattoir comes to an end.
This is the horror comic book miniseries created by Darren Lynn Bousman (the director of three films in the Saw franchise). Set in the late 1980s, Abattoir follows real estate agent, Richard Ashwalt, who was struggling to sell a house where a brutal massacre took place. Richard falls into a murderous conspiracy involving a strange old man named Jebediah Crone, who buys the house in spite of Richard’s tremendous efforts to stop him.
In Abattoir #6, Richard has finally discovered Crone’s Abattoir. Crone wants Richard to be the curator of this monstrosity. To say no could mean the end for Richard and for his wife and daughter.
While the sixth and final issue of Abattoir has pretty much the same vibe and mood, as well as characters, plot, and settings as the rest of the series, I am disappointed. I don’t like how it ends, although most of this issue is quite good. Actually, this is the ending that I expected, and Bousman was bound to leave an opening for a sequel, just as he did in his three Saw films.
Overall, this is a riveting, scary tale that doesn’t skimp on the blood, gore, and brain matter. And yes, it does matter that Vertigo and IDW not be the only big publishers (relatively speaking) that publish horror comics. So I go for Radical Publishing’s Abattoir. It is a real deal true bloody horror comic book.
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Showing posts with label Wayne Nichols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wayne Nichols. Show all posts
Monday, August 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Leroy Douresseaux on ABATTOIR #4
CREATOR: Darren Lynn Bousman
CONCEPT: Michael Peterson
WRITERS: Rob Levin and Troy Peteri
PENCILS: Wayne Nichols and Rodell Noora
LAYOUTS: Bing Cansino
COLORS: Andrei Pervukhin and Drazenka Kimpel
LETTERS: Troy Peteri
COVER: Tae Young Choi
28pp, Color, $3.50 U.S.
The horror comic book miniseries from Radical Publishing, entitled Abattoir, is the creation of Darren Lynn Bousman. Bousman was the director of three films in the Saw franchise. The Abattoir comic script is written by Rob Levin and Troy Peteri with Bing Casino and various artists illustrating the script.
Abattoir is set in the late 1980s and follows real estate agent, Richard Ashwalt, who was struggling to sell a house where a brutal massacre took place. Then, a strange old man named Jebediah Crone wanted to buy the house before Richard even finished cleaning it. Richard comes to see Crone as the source of all his problems, including being the lead suspect in a murder investigation.
In Abattoir #4, Richard convinces his friend, police Detective Al Sperry, to help him continue his investigation of Crone. However, Newt Washington, the elderly gentleman who decades earlier had a run-in with Crone, helped Richard. Now, Newt faces someone else who was supposed to be Richard’s friend. Meanwhile, Richard thinks that he has discovered a pattern behind Crone’s activities.
Although Abattoir is a comic book, it reads like a fine horror novel and suspense thriller. The series is also improving with each issue, and I think that by publishing it in a traditional comic book format, Radical heightens the tension and thrills Abattoir offers. This story is a like cliffhanger with Hell the destination, and every horror comic book should aspire to be as exciting to read.

CREATOR: Darren Lynn Bousman
CONCEPT: Michael Peterson
WRITERS: Rob Levin and Troy Peteri
PENCILS: Wayne Nichols and Rodell Noora
LAYOUTS: Bing Cansino
COLORS: Andrei Pervukhin and Drazenka Kimpel
LETTERS: Troy Peteri
COVER: Tae Young Choi
28pp, Color, $3.50 U.S.
The horror comic book miniseries from Radical Publishing, entitled Abattoir, is the creation of Darren Lynn Bousman. Bousman was the director of three films in the Saw franchise. The Abattoir comic script is written by Rob Levin and Troy Peteri with Bing Casino and various artists illustrating the script.
Abattoir is set in the late 1980s and follows real estate agent, Richard Ashwalt, who was struggling to sell a house where a brutal massacre took place. Then, a strange old man named Jebediah Crone wanted to buy the house before Richard even finished cleaning it. Richard comes to see Crone as the source of all his problems, including being the lead suspect in a murder investigation.
In Abattoir #4, Richard convinces his friend, police Detective Al Sperry, to help him continue his investigation of Crone. However, Newt Washington, the elderly gentleman who decades earlier had a run-in with Crone, helped Richard. Now, Newt faces someone else who was supposed to be Richard’s friend. Meanwhile, Richard thinks that he has discovered a pattern behind Crone’s activities.
Although Abattoir is a comic book, it reads like a fine horror novel and suspense thriller. The series is also improving with each issue, and I think that by publishing it in a traditional comic book format, Radical heightens the tension and thrills Abattoir offers. This story is a like cliffhanger with Hell the destination, and every horror comic book should aspire to be as exciting to read.
Andrei Pervukhin,
Bing Cansino,
Darren Lynn Bousman,
Drazenka Kimpel,
Michael Peterson,
Radical Publishing,
Rob Levin,
Rodell Noora,
Tae Young Choi,
Troy Peteri,
Wayne Nichols
Monday, April 18, 2011
Leroy Douresseaux on RYDER ON THE STORM #3

WRITER: David Hine
ARTIST: Wayne Nichols and Hugo PetrusCOLORS: Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation
LETTERS: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt
COVER: Francesco “Matt” Mattina
56pp, Color, $4.99 U.S.
Ryder on the Storm is a three-issue comic book miniseries from Radical Publishing. The concept rides several subgenres: supernatural-detective, horror fantasy, and action comic.
Written by David Hine and drawn by Wayne Nichols, the series focuses on Ryder, a private eye hired by a mysterious beauty to investigate the bizarre suicide of her lover. The crime is apparently tied to the Daemons, an ancient race that once ruled over the entire world, but now rules the city from behind the scenes and from beneath the streets.
As Ryder on the Storm #3 begins, the truth about the case that Ryder is investigating, the murder of Michael Hudson, is revealed. The number one suspect is Ryder’s client, Hudson’s lover, Katrina Petruska, and she has a gun pointed at Ryder. But the real action is yet to come. Ryder joins Charles Monk, the last Daemon hunter, in a final showdown with Rebecca Danton, the matriarch of the Dantons, a Daemon clan. Secrets, lies, and family ties are revealed.
Because of its smooth Film-Noir detective story and dark, urban fantasy vibe, Ryder on the Storm shocks with its sudden violent ending. As he did with FVZA: The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency, writer David Hine delivers grit and edgy horror and slick action side by side. Hine can take a hokey concept and use his dark imagination to transform it into an inventive, engaging comic book.
However, in the praise department, I cannot short artist Wayne Nichols. Nichols is quickly becoming one of the best artists of horror comic books. Nichols visualizes all the aspects of Hine’s script through his art, while making Ryder on the Storm’s gross horror go down smoothly like an extra-creamy milkshake
David Hine,
Feigan Chong,
Francesco Mattina,
Hugo Petrus,
Radical Publishing,
Sansan Saw,
Sixth Creation,
Wayne Nichols
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Leroy Douresseaux on Ryder on the Storm #2

WRITER: David Hine
ARTIST: Wayne NicholsCOLORS: Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation
LETTERS: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt
COVER: Francesco “Matt” Mattina
56pp, Color, $4.99 U.S.
Before you read this review, let me offer this SPOILER ALERT: don’t read this if you have not read #1.
Ryder on the Storm is a supernatural-detective comic book from Radical Publishing. It blends elements and/or styles of Aliens, Blade Runner, Hellblazer, and Jim Butcher’s Harry Dresden.
Written by David Hine and drawn by Wayne Nichols, the series focuses on Ryder, a private eye hired by mysterious beauty Katrina Petruska to investigate the horrifically bizarre suicide of her lover, Michael Hudson. The crime is apparently tied to the Daemons, an ancient race that once ruled over the entire world.
As Ryder on the Storm #2 opens, Ryder is still dealing with the fact that he is a Daemon. The last Daemon hunter, Charles Monk tells him the history of the Daemon (the condensed version, of course). However, there are more secrets galore, as Ryder learns about the “Abaddon” and meets Rebecca Danton, who is not only the matriarch of the Daemon clan, the Dantons, but also so much more.
While I can describe Ryder on the Storm as many things, I can best describe it as good comics. Writer David Hine delivers something that is gritty and edge with gore, but is strangely smooth and silky. Hine weaves a good back story and lore for the narrative, but builds intensity and also anticipation for the horror that is coming.
Perhaps, artist Wayne Nichols is the one who provides the smooth. His clean drawing style and crystal clear storytelling reveals all the darkness Hine creates. The colors by Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation create the ambience of a storm quietly building – the calm before the sure-to-be-fun ending.
David Hine,
Feigan Chong,
Francesco Mattina,
Radical Publishing,
Sansan Saw,
Sixth Creation,
Wayne Nichols
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
I Reads You Review: Ryder on the Storm #0

WRITER: David Hine
ARTIST: Wayne Nichols
COLORS: Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation
LETTERS: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt
COVER: Francesco “Matt” Mattina
16pp, Color, $1.00 U.S.
Ryder on the Storm is a supernatural-detective comic book from Radical Publishing. Written by David Hine and drawn by Wayne Nichols, the story focuses on Ryder. He is a private eye hired by mysterious beauty Katrina Petruska to investigate the horrifically bizarre suicide of her lover, Michael Hudson.
According to information provided by Radical, the case will lead Ryder to discovering that daemons walk among humanity. He will have to team up with the last daemon hunter, Charles Monk, to end the reign of ancient evil that rules over the city, while discovering terrifying truths about himself.
Ryder on the Storm #0 is a 16-page preview of the upcoming series, and there is just enough to remind the reader that the occult detective has been done to death. In fact, I can’t find anything in this preview to make me want to read more except…
I am a believer in David Hine, so I’m willing to read more before I get all judgmental. I do like the art by Wayne Nichols with colors by Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation. The art has a visual mode that is perfect for this occult detective tale and that would probably be perfect for DC Comics’ Hellblazer.
WRITER: David Hine
ARTIST: Wayne Nichols
COLORS: Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation
LETTERS: Richard Starkings and Comicraft’s Jimmy Betancourt
COVER: Francesco “Matt” Mattina
16pp, Color, $1.00 U.S.
Ryder on the Storm is a supernatural-detective comic book from Radical Publishing. Written by David Hine and drawn by Wayne Nichols, the story focuses on Ryder. He is a private eye hired by mysterious beauty Katrina Petruska to investigate the horrifically bizarre suicide of her lover, Michael Hudson.
According to information provided by Radical, the case will lead Ryder to discovering that daemons walk among humanity. He will have to team up with the last daemon hunter, Charles Monk, to end the reign of ancient evil that rules over the city, while discovering terrifying truths about himself.
Ryder on the Storm #0 is a 16-page preview of the upcoming series, and there is just enough to remind the reader that the occult detective has been done to death. In fact, I can’t find anything in this preview to make me want to read more except…
I am a believer in David Hine, so I’m willing to read more before I get all judgmental. I do like the art by Wayne Nichols with colors by Feigan Chong and Sansan Saw of Sixth Creation. The art has a visual mode that is perfect for this occult detective tale and that would probably be perfect for DC Comics’ Hellblazer.
David Hine,
Feigan Chong,
Radical Publishing,
Richard Starkings,
Sansan Saw,
Wayne Nichols
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Radical Publishing Releases FVZA #3
48 pgs, FC, $4.99
The final showdown between the living and the undead! When Hugo Pecos and the FVZA discover the plans of the European vampire council to infect the United States, they quickly locate the underground headquarters of the vampires in the city. As Landra and Vidal split into two squads to thwart the sinister plot of the undead, they realize that there is far more to their mission than simply extermination. A stunning revelation, a tragic death and a shocking betrayal await Landra as she journeys into the belly of the beast to battle the bloodthirsty and ruthless Chaucer and the queen vampire herself - Yaelis.
Featuring covers by Clint Langley and Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic.
FVZA #3 cover A: by Clint Langley–Diamond Code: OCT091058
FVZA #3 cover B: by Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic–Diamond Code: OCT091059
48 pgs, FC, $4.99
The final showdown between the living and the undead! When Hugo Pecos and the FVZA discover the plans of the European vampire council to infect the United States, they quickly locate the underground headquarters of the vampires in the city. As Landra and Vidal split into two squads to thwart the sinister plot of the undead, they realize that there is far more to their mission than simply extermination. A stunning revelation, a tragic death and a shocking betrayal await Landra as she journeys into the belly of the beast to battle the bloodthirsty and ruthless Chaucer and the queen vampire herself - Yaelis.
Featuring covers by Clint Langley and Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic.
FVZA #3 cover A: by Clint Langley–Diamond Code: OCT091058
FVZA #3 cover B: by Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic–Diamond Code: OCT091059
comics news,
David Hine,
Press Release,
Radical Publishing,
Richard Starkings,
Roy Allan Martinez,
Wayne Nichols
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